Wooden sensory tools and props for little one's sensory bin with 10 colorful felted wool balls!
Set includes:
*TEN rainbow felted wool balls
*ONE pair of bamboo tongs
*TWO birch wood bowls
*ONE wooden flat scoop
*ONE wooden tubular scoop
*THREE large wooden acorns
*THREE small wooden acorns
*ONE wooden pine tree
*ONE curvy birch wood peg person
*ONE birch wood peg person in dress
*ONE small birch wood peg person
*ONE large birch wood pot
*ONE medium birch wood pot
*ONE small birch wood pot
*ONE 6" wooden honey wand
*ONE drawstring storage bag for storage and transport!
Total OF 30 pieces!
Option for 12x8" wooden tray also!
Option for adding one pound of rice or white bean also available.
Perfect ready-to-go set for any sensory bin or tray! Experiment with a variety of filling materials including dried corn, beans, peas, and colored rice!
This set contains small parts. Not intended for use by children under 3. Please supervise use.
Made in the mountains of Maine by MountainMomStudio <3